
Self-control vs. willpower

The topic of self-control often arises during this time of year as we pursue our New Year’s resolutions or look to make a positive change in our lives. You may prefer willpower to self-control. Do these words even mean the same thing? As scientists debate this, let’s look at some art. Here is John William Waterhouse’s 19th-century painting, "Ulysses and the Sirens" (Ulysses is Latin for Odysseus). Notice how Odysseus, knowing the peril posed by the Sirens’ captivating but deadly song, tied himself to the mast of his ship in an act of self-control. Or was it willpower?

Photo: National Gallery of Victoria


Having a "case of the Mondays?"

January 15th is Blue Monday, marked as the saddest day of the year by a former UK travel company. Over the years, vacation bookings have surged on this day. While Blue Monday may not be a real thing, Seasonal Affective Disorder is, and it can impact your mental health. Consider this guide for tips on how to build better mental health.


And the Golden Globe goes to …

The Chicago River is so incredibly picturesque that it's hard to go wrong when photographing it. If you visit Chicago for only a few days, you may find yourself wanting more of it when you leave. More views. More architecture. More Italian beef. This brings me to Mr. Beef, one of Chicagoland's notable Italian beef sandwich shops and the inspiration for "The Bear," a television series which took home a Golden Globe. I didn’t get a chance to visit Mr. Beef when I visited Chicago last summer. I went to Al's #1 Italian Beef instead, mainly because it was spotlighted on "Somebody Feed Phil." Both shows have signed on for another season, and I can’t wait!